Wednesday, January 30, 2013

1st birthday fun

Because we are celebrating Rowan and Norah's 1st birthday with a party in a few weeks, we really didn't do too much for their actual birthday.  It was cold and snowy, and I had clinical the following two days, so we kept it a low-key, stay-at-home kind of day.  Here is some of the fun we had...

Helping me make sugar-free birthday cupcakes the day before....which ended up being a flop as you'll soon see.

Daddy came home for lunch!

Fun in the dishwasher.

Unloading all of the diapers is always fun!

Isn't Norah's shirt cute?  It was a hand-me-down from my sister :)

My attempt at a healthy cupcake was a flop. The cake was too dense and more like a muffin, and the frosting way too runny.  I think they will be getting the real thing for their party :)

Rowan was not he got a birthday cookie instead.

And as usual, Norah will eat anything.  She finished off her own cupcake and then proceeded to eat Rowan's too.

Don't mind the Christmas cards :)

 Stay tuned for my 12 month pictures and post...

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

more Christmas...

Well this post sure took me some time to get up and going.  I was and still am having trouble uploading pictures.  Doug said something with Internet Explorer...

Despite the fact that all four of us had colds, we had a wonderful time celebrating Rowan and Norah's first Christmas.  We spent the Saturday and Sunday before Christmas with my family, and then we hit the road to spend 4 nights/5 days in Iowa with Doug's family.  Again, I didn't take nearly the amount of pictures I should have.  I mean well, but get so preoccupied with keeping these two happy and out of trouble, that I miss the important photo a family picture with the Van Wyngardens :(

The kids did really well in the car on the way to Iowa, but by the time we went home they were over stimulated and over tired.  The ride home, as well as getting back into our normal routine, were a bit rough...but totally worth it. 

Christmas pjs

all the kids

all the kids plus G & G


just the girls

Sasveld family

peek - a - boo!

dreaming of broom ball in a few years

comfy sleeping in Iowa

more Christmas pjs

Friday, January 4, 2013

Merry Christmas a bit belated...

just a few of my favorites from our "Christmas photo shoot" that didn't make the card :)


Thursday, January 3, 2013

11 months

Christmas day marked 11 months for these two.  Life continues to move too quickly and I have to admit I am a bit sad that they will be turning one next month.  I don't want them to grow up just yet.  I have to say though that they are so much fun, and I'm sure it only gets better from here.

Taking their pictures was quite comical this month, but this is how life is now.   Norah would not sit still...unless she had cheerios in her lap.  It's a good day if I can get a bow in her hair.   And don't even ask about any of them together :)

Rowan is so sweet and snuggly...and sensitive.   He still struggles with separation anxiety and stranger anxiety, although it is getting better.  We made it through two church services in a row uninterrupted :)  We have realized he is a very tactile baby as he needs to touch everything to his face.  He loves a good piece of string or thread, as well as a soft blanket on his face.  He tags behind Norah most of the day and will cry when she screams too loud.  Eating "table food" is getting better, although he still has little desire to pick up any food with his own fingers...he will try some cheerios every now and then.  Blueberries have become a new favorite.



Norah is now my loud, funny, comical, center of attention kind of gal.  It's funny that when she was just a few months old, I thought she would be the introverted of the two.  Man how things change.  She is quite the Daddy's girl and needs constant attention from us during the day.  Within the last two weeks she has decided that she doesn't like bath time...she will seriously scream at the top of her lungs until we get her out and diapered.  She can't get enough food and will sit and whine until we share what we are eating with her...or give her some cheerios.  Sleeping is still a challenge, but we are trying to go with the flow and realize it won't be forever...I hope :)

her preferred position to sleep these days :)