Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Wednesday fun

Did we get a new pet?
Nope, it's just Rowan.  He really likes a good book.
And yes, I've taken it away from him until he can read :)

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

9 months

I'm 2 weeks late on this post.  We have been dealing with some irritable children, but I think things are looking up.  With both kids having colds, their 9 month check-up complete with blood draws and immunizations, and new teeth making their way has been a little more challenging than usual.  Stranger and separation anxiety have taken on a whole new meaning. 

We had a nice weekend visit from Grandpa and Grandma V.W. two weeks ago.  I regret not taking out my camera the entire weekend.  But, we were loved on with goodies from Jaarsma's bakery, Famous Dave's BBQ, and even a trip to Denny's.  It was wonderful to relax a bit and it is always nice to have a good excuse to eat junk food. 

My semester is in full swing.  Only 5 more weeks, one more big paper, one exam, and 10 more clinical days...but who is counting?  I will welcome my 4 week Christmas break for sure.  I'm continually so thankful for Grandpa and Grandma S. who watch these kiddos twice a week for us.

So, at 9 months and 2 weeks we are having so much fun.  Norah isn't crawling yet, but I can finally say that Rowan is.  He will still choose to do his army crawl most of the time, but has been up on all fours a few times.  They are doing a great job of getting to a sitting position from a laying position.  They are both trying to pull up on their own, but usually get to their knees and give up.  Both can stand well with something sturdy to hold on to.  Personalities are in full swing.

5am has become the new normal around here...which also means 3 naps a day is common too.  No matter what time we get them to bed, they are up at 5am.  Daylight savings time brought a few 4am days too.  I really, really hope that this passes soon. 

*Rowan is my curious little guy.  He has a knack for finding every tiny piece of thread or fuzzy on the floor and attempting to eat it, but I fight with the kid to eat any solid food without gagging on it...go figure.  He is so sweet and so incredibly stubborn at the same time. 

When I asked Doug to describe Rowan in three words, this was his response...determined, adventurous, and exuberant.

And here are his stats from their 9 month check-up a couple of weeks ago:
Rowan was 21 lbs 13oz and 30 inches. 



*Norah is in a stage where she needs constant attention. I mean...sit on the floor right next to her all day and don't leave the room...constant attention. She is silly, and sweet, and loud. She beams with a smile and lets out a scream every time Doug comes home after being at work.   I am only 2nd in her life...Daddy is her favorite.  She loves her food.
According to Doug, Norah is...unique, angelic, and inquisitive.
She was 22 lbs 9 oz and 29 inches long.