Monday, February 27, 2012

one month

I tried to plan their photo shoot around eating and nap so that they would be happy...but as you will soon see, it didn't go so well.  Oh well...this is how it is and I just couldn't find the energy to try again.  Maybe month two will be smoother :)

Some thoughts at one month:

*Both kiddos eat about 4 ounces of formula every 3 hours.  On a good night, they can go 4 hours.
*They are both sleeping in their crib at night...although it's not without a fight.
*They HATE bathtime and will scream their heads off the entire time.
*They fight over who gets the bouncy seat...the swing is only second best. 
*They are getting much better at head control, although they still tend to bobble around if not supported.
*They have not lost any of their dark hair yet.  I'm really hoping that they don't.

Rowan is definately the more fussy of the two, especially in the evening hours.  Doug has initiated baby yoga and it seems to help him feel better.  He also seems to calm down whenever we put music on for him.  This week he is definately the better eater of the two.  He is always quite squirmy and never seems to stop grunting while he is awake.  A good swaddle helps him to calm down and sleep well at night.  Nicknames include buddy, buddy boy, bubba, old man, mr. fussypants and brother.

Norah seems to enjoy her tummy time much more than her brother.  She is definately "daddy's girl" and loves to be held.  The pacifier is her friend.  She is definately not a dainty girl and is a much better burper than her brother.  She is the better sleeper two and we often have to wake her up to eat because her brother is hungry.  Her nicknames right now are baby, baby girl, sister, catfish, and narwhal (norahwhale) because of how much she was eating as a newborn :)

And yes, we are hanging in there.  We have been blessed to have wonderful family on both sides allowing us to sleep, nap, and get out for awhile.  We are having so much fun learning about and loving on these two kiddos.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

meeting their family...

We've had a lot of family (near and far) come for visits in the last the few weeks...
 Auntie Nat & girl Jelsema cousins

Kooyenga cousins

Auntie P

 Van Wyngarden cousins

Grandpa & Grandma Van Wyngarden
Great Grandma Voss
Grandpa & Grandma Sasveld

Friday, February 10, 2012

2 week photos

A huge thank you to my dear and gracious friend Sara W. for taking these newborn pictures for us.  They turned out great!

Tuesday, February 7, 2012


Many of you have already heard the excitement and drama of the past few weeks, so no need to keep reading.  I am terrible with remembering details, so this is more for my benefit than anything else :)

I was admitted to the hospital on Tuesday night, January 24 to be induced.  I really didn't have a choice because my blood pressure was higher than normal in the office that day.  I wasn't dilated yet, so I started Cervacil overnight and Pitocin started Wednesday morning around 7am.  As of 9am I was dilated to a "one" so the OB broke my water at that time and I got my epidural not too much later.  All along I was having contractions, but feeling pretty well.  Later in the afternoon I started not feeling well.  I was making very little urine.  My legs, thighs, and stomach were becoming more and more swollen, and my blood pressures were slowly creeping up.  My OB came back around 7pm and I was only dilated to a "four."   He told me I was showing obvious signs of preeclampsia and that we needed to get the babes out.  So, despite my determination over the last 9 months to avoid it, C-section it was.  I soon had  a whirlwind of nurses in my room prepping me for surgery.  It all happened very quickly.  I don't remember too much about the actual C-section, other than the terrible dry heaves and the very odd sensation of pulling and tugging, but no pain.  As soon as the babies were out the anesthesiologist gave me something good and I slept for a good while.

I had a fairly uneventful recovery over the next few days.  My blood pressures were still a bit high, but the docs weren't very concerned. We were discharged Saturday around 5pm with instructions to watch my blood pressure at home.  Well, I checked it a few times that night and it was high.  After taking my meds and a good 2 hour nap, at 6am it was 190/110 so, off to the hospital I went with my mom as I left Doug to fend for himself with two newborns.  I thought for sure they would give me something to bring it down and I'd be home by the afternoon.  Little did I know that it would turn into four nights in the hospital. 

For the first 48 hours I was on magnesium sulfate to prevent seizures until they could control my blood pressure.  Unfortunately, while on the mag I wasn't allowed out of bed and was given only clear liquids. While I enjoyed the  many different flavors of jello, I don't want to see another popsicle or chicken broth for awhile.  I was also having really bad headaches and blurred vision.  This was most likely from the mag, but neurology was consulted and ordered a CT of my brain...which was normal.  I was still significantly swollen up to my thighs when I came back in, but completely diuresed that while I was there.

After four nights, I finally made it back home on Thursday afternoon. The doctors told me it was most likely preeclampsia which showed up late, but that I may also have some underlying hypertension.  I was discharged on three blood pressure meds.  My blood pressure is better, but still not completely controlled.  At one point I stood up too fast and felt like I was about to pass was 79/46, but other times it is up to 135/99.

My children were well taken care of while I was gone.  My parents helped out tremendously during the days, as Doug slept and visited me in the hospital.  My in-laws came out mid-week as well and have been a huge help too.  I have been fortunate enough to be the only one to get a full night sleep...every night :)

I am so lucky to have married the most amazing and dedicated man.  I am so proud of him and everything he has learned and done for our little family in the last few weeks.  

And, for what you all really visit the blog for...

Norah- my little ball of sunshine

Rowan enjoying some tummy time

Friday, February 3, 2012

my sweet babies

I promise to write sometime soon about the drama of the past week...but for now at least some pictures. 

Rowan Douglas
1.25.12 @ 8:25pm
6 pounds, 5 ounces
19.5 inches


Norah Faith
1.25.12 @ 8:26pm
6 pounds, 6 ounces
19 inches

meeting Norah for the 1st time

meeting Rowan for the 1st time

proud grandma

proud daddy

Rowan's 1st bath

all clean!

Norah's 1st bath

all clean!