Saturday, November 26, 2011

29 weeks

Our impromptu photo shoot in Iowa while we visited to celebrate Thanksgiving & Christmas last weekend....A.K.A. Thanksmas :) 
A certain little boy just hopped out of the hot tub and decided to join us :)

On another note, we have been living with my parents for the last 2 weeks as we are currently homeless. We officially sold our house on Friday the 18th and plan to close on our new place this Monday, the 28th. Life is busy and hectic right now with the semester wrapping up and moving and preparing for two little ones and Christmas...but it is totally worth it. I am feeling well and have started having OB appointments twice a week now with non-stress tests at each visit. Only about 8 more weeks to go!

Monday, November 21, 2011

baby shower 11/5/11- 27 weeks

A special thanks to my mom Lois, and sisters Priscilla and Natalie for throwing me a wonderful baby shower! We had a lot of fun, consumed plenty of good food, and received a ton of gifts to welcome these two babies. Doug's parents were able to come out for the weekend.  It was great to see them and spend some time with them as well.