Monday, February 27, 2012

one month

I tried to plan their photo shoot around eating and nap so that they would be happy...but as you will soon see, it didn't go so well.  Oh well...this is how it is and I just couldn't find the energy to try again.  Maybe month two will be smoother :)

Some thoughts at one month:

*Both kiddos eat about 4 ounces of formula every 3 hours.  On a good night, they can go 4 hours.
*They are both sleeping in their crib at night...although it's not without a fight.
*They HATE bathtime and will scream their heads off the entire time.
*They fight over who gets the bouncy seat...the swing is only second best. 
*They are getting much better at head control, although they still tend to bobble around if not supported.
*They have not lost any of their dark hair yet.  I'm really hoping that they don't.

Rowan is definately the more fussy of the two, especially in the evening hours.  Doug has initiated baby yoga and it seems to help him feel better.  He also seems to calm down whenever we put music on for him.  This week he is definately the better eater of the two.  He is always quite squirmy and never seems to stop grunting while he is awake.  A good swaddle helps him to calm down and sleep well at night.  Nicknames include buddy, buddy boy, bubba, old man, mr. fussypants and brother.

Norah seems to enjoy her tummy time much more than her brother.  She is definately "daddy's girl" and loves to be held.  The pacifier is her friend.  She is definately not a dainty girl and is a much better burper than her brother.  She is the better sleeper two and we often have to wake her up to eat because her brother is hungry.  Her nicknames right now are baby, baby girl, sister, catfish, and narwhal (norahwhale) because of how much she was eating as a newborn :)

And yes, we are hanging in there.  We have been blessed to have wonderful family on both sides allowing us to sleep, nap, and get out for awhile.  We are having so much fun learning about and loving on these two kiddos.


  1. Love the pictures, Kim! The outfits are adorable. The tie looks good on Rowan:)

  2. James thinks the babies are so cute. He says "I want to take a picture of them!!" :-)

    Glad you are hanging in there and getting to enjoy your little ones.

  3. Oh Kim, they look bigger already! So cute. Thanks for the pictures!

  4. Thank you for posting these darling photos! Love hearing their nicknames. Still keeping you in my thoughts and prayers! Keep rocking parenthood, Kim and Doug!

  5. I'm glad to know that my nickname for Doug got passed down to his son. Tell Mr. Fussypants hi for me.
