Wednesday, August 29, 2012

7 months

Here we are again...another month that has gone by way too quickly.  I'm sad at times that this first year is going by so fast, but at the same time these babes are so much more fun with every day that passes.  I started my second to last semester of FNP school this week...making life much busier.  I'm counting down the weeks till the end of the semester already.  One down...15 to go.  Again, I apologize for all of the boring details that follow.  This blog, from the beginning, was so that I can remember this first year...especially since I haven't even started baby books yet :)

Some of my thoughts on Rowan at seven months:
  • Unofficially weighs 20.8#.
  • Ever since he got his two bottom teeth, his night sleeping has been all over the board.  Some nights are wonderful and some nights he is up three times.  At this point, we don't ever feed him more than three ounces during the night...and that's only when he won't settle back down on his own.
  • Usually napping two times a day, sometimes three if he's had a bad night.  We can usually count on at least 45 minutes to an hour of nap at a time.
  • Being quite stubborn with sitting up.  He can do it, but he never seems to want to stop moving and would much rather be rolling on the floor than be in a stationary position.  He has gotten up on his knees a few times, so I am wondering if he will be crawling soon.
  • We are currently weaning him off his Nutramigen and onto regular formula.  Is still taking 28 ounces a day divided into five bottles.
  • Has started to like the pacifier again.  He grabbed it one day and used it as a toy, but now loves it all day long
  • Loves to snuggle with me and has a bit of separation anxiety right now.

And my Norah babe:
  • Unofficially weighs 21# even.
  • Has gone from being my wonderful sleeper, to being incredibly restless and noisy at night.  We often wake up to her thumping down her legs on the mattress, crying, and babbling loudly, but she always settles back down on her own with the help of a pacifier. We are hoping that this will soon pass and that maybe she is trying to cut teeth or that maybe the switch off of gentle formula to regular a few weeks back isn't agreeing with her. One night at a time...
  • Her quiet and laid-back personality has turned into a strong-willed and whiny girl.  Again, hoping that it is just teeth. 
  • Is quite the daddy's girl...and daddy loves it.  I'm pretty sure that when the day comes and she asks for that puppy, he will - without hesitation - agree to it :)
  • Is sitting up very well, but still has no desire to be mobile.  I will put her on her belly and immediately she rolls over to her back and stays that way until we pick her up again.
  • I took her to the pediatrician for a neck/chin/eye rash that just wouldn't go away with OTC meds.  She was on one oral (nystatin) and three different cream meds (aquafor, cortatid, and nystatin) four times a day for about a week...and she screamed everytime I would apply it.
  • Still taking 3-4 naps a day, no more than 30-45 minutes at a time.  Wish I could figure out how to make her take longer naps.
  • Switched her off of the gentlease formula to regular a few weeks back as recommended by our pediatrician.  Also taking 28 ounces daily divided into five bottles. 

I am glad to get back into school and a routine (mostly because the sooner I start, the sooner it will be over) but I am very sad to see our lazy summer behind us.  While it is hard to do a lot with two infants, I feel like we kept pretty busy.  Many days were spent wasting time at Target and Meijer.  We went to Iowa twice.  I painted the kitchen.  I read book two and I am currently half-way through book three of the Hunger Games series.  We had birthday parties, and play dates, and many walks around the neighborhood.  We took lots of naps and drank too much coffee.  What goals did I not accomplish?  Well, I did not paint the bathroom or laundry room.  I did not completely finish the Hunger Games series yet.  I did exercise much, which means I did not lose the extra 8 pounds of baby weight I am still carrying.  I did not get these kids sleeping any fact I would say they are worse.   I am already looking forward to next summer because school will be behind me, plus these two kiddos should be walking and not eating every three hours...therefore making our lives a bit more flexible.  

See you in a month!

Thursday, August 16, 2012

odds and ends from July and August

such a daddy's girl already


keepin an eye on his sister :)

just catching up on a little water polo

Norah -  "If you invade my space, I will use you as my foot rest"

when did she get so old?




silly kids

girls night out

So, I have to admit that I am a reality TV show junkie.  The Bachelor...and all things Bachelor, Love in the Wild, The Amazing Race, Teen Mom, Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders, and our latest find - Hard Knocks, are just a few that I love to watch.  I just can't get enough.  So when two of my best girlfriends from college mentioned that it would be fun to see if we could get reservations to RPM Italian in the city - the restaurant opened by Bill and Guiliana Rancic - I was in.  While I haven't watched their reality show this season, I have in the past, and I completely admire and appreciate them for their openness about their own personal struggle with infertility.

While we were secretly really hoping for a celebrity spotting, unfortunately Bill and Guiliana were not at the restaurant that night.  But, we had a great time with good wine, too much food, and great conversation.

appetizers x 2
fried zucchini and homemade ricotta

my main course of spaghetti and very large meatball

it was Joy's birthday the day prior, so this is her complimentary gelato

she let me have the chocolate :)

Friday, August 3, 2012

more of the 6th month...

Just a few of my favorites from the professional pictures we had taken...