The most exciting thing happening in the last few weeks is my blood pressure. It had been running consistenly high (140s/90s) and not getting any better. Granted, I only check it at work so some of it is probably related to anxiety. I went and saw a high risk OB who thought it in my best interest to start me on meds...Labetelol 100mg twice daily. Great news to hear at 30 years old:) But, it has been much better, even at work, so I guess that means it is doing its job. Other than that, I'm feeling pretty good. The fatigue and nausea are much better, I'm just terribly hungry ALL OF THE TIME!
I saw my regular OB today. Everything is moving along as it should...including the 10# weight gain already. Next ultrasound is scheduled September 9...hopefully the babies will cooperate and we will find out genders.
15 weeks |
Summer semester is over today and I dive right into fall semester next week. I just need these babies to cooperate until December 8 to finish off the semester.
That's about all for now.
cute pic kim :)
ReplyDeleteadorable...good luck with the next semester :).