Wednesday, December 21, 2011

33 weeks, a baby shower, and a new home

So much going on right now.  I've made it to 33 weeks.  Other than my borderline blood pressure and swollen ankles and hands...I'd say I'm doing pretty good.  Constantly being scolded for doing too much and being told to take it easy.  I had an ultrasound for growth last week which revealed baby girl at 4# 8oz and baby boy at 4# 4oz.  They both have their little heads down and it looks like the boy is in position to come out first...assuming I don't need a C-section.  We are counting down the weeks to #38...only 4 to go. 

My wonderful and generous co-workers threw me a baby shower last week.  Unfortunately, I didn't get too many pictures.  The Olive Garden for lunch and ice cream cake for dessert was delicious!

And, we moved to our new place and are in the process of getting settled.  Slowly, but surely, it is starting to feel like our own.  We have so much more living space...and it is so quiet in this neighborhood compared to where we used to live. 

And...I made it successfully through the semester.  Finals are passed and I am enjoying a bit of a break.  I can't decide what sounds better...May 2013, three more semesters, or five more classes.  Either way you look at it, I can see the end!

Merry Christmas all!

Saturday, November 26, 2011

29 weeks

Our impromptu photo shoot in Iowa while we visited to celebrate Thanksgiving & Christmas last weekend....A.K.A. Thanksmas :) 
A certain little boy just hopped out of the hot tub and decided to join us :)

On another note, we have been living with my parents for the last 2 weeks as we are currently homeless. We officially sold our house on Friday the 18th and plan to close on our new place this Monday, the 28th. Life is busy and hectic right now with the semester wrapping up and moving and preparing for two little ones and Christmas...but it is totally worth it. I am feeling well and have started having OB appointments twice a week now with non-stress tests at each visit. Only about 8 more weeks to go!

Monday, November 21, 2011

baby shower 11/5/11- 27 weeks

A special thanks to my mom Lois, and sisters Priscilla and Natalie for throwing me a wonderful baby shower! We had a lot of fun, consumed plenty of good food, and received a ton of gifts to welcome these two babies. Doug's parents were able to come out for the weekend.  It was great to see them and spend some time with them as well. 

Sunday, October 30, 2011

moving on

Even though you have all heard me complain about how small this house was...and the headaches it gave us, I will miss it. We put so much hard work into making it our own.   But, it is time to move on and have more living space. Sorry the pictures are a little blurry...I may have taken them from the website :) 

26 weeks...only 12 weeks to go

Friday, September 30, 2011

one pink, one blue

Wow, it has been quite some time since I have updated this.  I think I am way overdue my promise of once a month postings.  I have made it to 21 weeks, and it feels great!  We had an ultrasound at 18 weeks and found out that we are having a boy and a girl!  We did find out that Baby Girl has a choroid plexus cyst on her we had to go for a level 2 ultrasound within the week.  We met with the high risk OB and he really wasn't very concerned.  He said it has been linked to genetic abnormalities like Down's Syndrome, but that it probably isn't anything, as bone growth and heart function look normal.  He gave us the options of amniocentesis, fetal heart echo, or nothing...we opted for nothing as all it will do is raise our medical bills and our level of worry.  I'm feeling well, other than feeling hungry all of the time.  I have a fear of putting on too much weight as I have already reached 20#, but hey, it averages out to 1 # a week so far.  If I keep up with it, I will only gain 38#'s right?  

Baby Boy

Baby Girl

On another exciting note, we have a contract on our house!  We just have to get through the home inspection tomorrow and hope they don't find any major problems!  So, we may be homeless for a little while right around Thanksgiving if all goes as planned.

We also welcomed a new nephew this past week.  Isaac Seth was born to Adam (Doug's younger brother) and his wife Kate.  Can't wait to meet and snuggle that little guy!

All right, maybe you'll hear from me in another month or so :)

Thursday, August 25, 2011

home for sale

As of Saturday, our house is officially for sale!  Hopefully someone will like it and want to buy it.  

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

better late than never

Okay, so this is a little late but Mom and Dad's 40th anniversary was in June and they decided to surprise us!  We met at their house and took a HUGE limo downtown to Navy Pier.  We went for a lunch cruise on Lake Michigan and then spent some time at Navy Pier until the limo picked us back up to take us home.  We had a wonderful time...especially all of the kids.  Thanks again Mom and Dad!  Thanks Natalie for all of the photos.

Weeks 13-15

The most exciting thing happening in the last few weeks is my blood pressure.  It had been running  consistenly high (140s/90s) and not getting any better.  Granted, I only check it at work so some of it is probably related to anxiety.  I went and saw a high risk OB who thought it in my best interest to start me on meds...Labetelol 100mg twice daily.  Great news to hear at 30 years old:)  But, it has been much better, even at work, so I guess that means it is doing its job.  Other than that, I'm feeling pretty good.  The fatigue and nausea are much better, I'm just terribly hungry ALL OF THE TIME!

I saw my regular OB today.  Everything is moving along as it should...including the 10# weight gain already.  Next ultrasound is scheduled September 9...hopefully the babies will cooperate and we will find out genders.

15 weeks

Summer semester is over today and I dive right into fall semester next week.  I just need these babies to cooperate until December 8 to finish off the semester.

That's about all for now.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

the latest pics- 12 1/2 weeks

Ultrasound from July 27
Unfortunately this is the last of the 1st trimester ultrasounds, and it will probably be quite awhile before I have another one.

4-D ultraousnd
pretty cool but the tech couldn't get a great picture