Wednesday, December 5, 2012


Just a couple videos of Rowan and Norah crawling for the first time.  Rowan has been moving for awhile now, but Norah just started in the past week.

10 months

I don't have too much to report this month other than the fact that these two kids are on the move, pulling up on their own, and getting into everything!  Their favorite things right now include standing up on the couch, getting into the open refrigerator door and pulling out condiments, the open dishwasher, the bathtub, the toilet, and the stopper behind the bedroom doors. 

Some struggles right now are that Norah still doesn't want to nap for more than 30-40 minutes at a time. She screams at the top of her lungs every time we come near her with her bib or attempt to change her clothes.  Rowan still doesn't want much more than his stage two/three baby foods.  Sometimes we can trick him and shove in a small piece of fruit or cheese, but it isn't without a disgusted face and some gagging.  He continues to struggle with separation and stranger anxiety. 

I really don't have too many pictures from this month...partly because they don't sit still long enough...and partly because I have been lazy. 

At this writing I have two more clinical days (14 more hours to be exact) and one final exam on Monday...and then I will be done for a bit.  I am looking forward to catching up on some of my DVR'd shows, planning a first birthday party, seeing some friends, and enjoying our first Christmas as a family of four.

maybe I should have changed her diaper first...nice blue stripe :)

lazy bum :)

apparently it's more fun to play with it this way

just watching a little of the Today Show